April 2022

Mackintosh and More

Well, to wrap up the Scottish this month, I decided to follow the pattern from last month and finish with well-known Scottish artists. As with the Irish, I sadly lack knowledge here. I almost changed the topic but decided I should learn something about them. Charles Rennie Mackintosh has always been a favorite of mine. […]

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Scots Wha Hae

Continuing with the Scottish theme this month, I am thrilled with this week’s topic; Scottish authors. Many of my beloved favorite writers are on the list. So, in chronological order, let’s dig in. William Dunbar (1459-1520) The oldest name I found, Dunbar was a poet working in the court of King James. His works were

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Wha’s Like Us?

Welcome to the next installment for Scottish Month. The Scots have long been known for their discoveries and innovations. I googled Scottish inventions, and when I copied the list from just one website, it was ten pages long… So, this week, I am injecting a bit of humor into my look at items invented by

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Happy Tartan Day!

You may have noticed I’ve been making a big deal of Tartan Day. Why? What is it? National Tartan Day was designated by proclamation to be held on April 6th each year to recognize the contributions of Americans of Scottish descent. The holiday originated in Nova Scotia, Canada, where it was proposed in March 1986.

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